How many times did I say this word in the past few weeks..Festival Perspectives, Festival Perspectives, would you like to see the festival perspectives, the festival perspectives is a German-French festival of the performing arts, Festival Perspectives - circus, music, dance and theatre! Circus music dance and theatre! Festival Perspectives Would you like to take your children to the circus at the weekend?
You guessed it - I worked in PR for the Festival Perspectives. That's what I did from April to early June, to be followed by supplying artist's change rooms with basic requirements such as pineapples, instant whipped cream and a billion bounty bars during the festival. What can I say - in spite of the boiling heat and total physical exhaustion I had a ball!!! And I got to see free French concerts each night!
The picture in the middle shows the team on the aforementioned point of exhaustion, sipping champagne and orange juice on the last night. For some inexplicable reason I figure it doesn't show and we all look pretty damn good!